
The BookViral Review: "Ideality proves a notable debut for Sarus..."

A grounded and thoroughly enthralling exploration of what happens when a former headliner and super fan connect, what Sarus gives us is a rounded, original story about breaking the bonds of control and finding love on our own terms.

A heady rollercoaster of a read with Sarus orchestrating heartfelt changes of mood and unexpected direction. Her narrative is taut and superbly observed as both narratively and stylistically she creates meaningful conflict, believable characters, style and emotional honesty that brings her characters to life.

Music is undoubtedly one of the best forms of artistic expression. It’s given us epic love stories and it these that Sarus taps into as we follow Aurora’s meteoric rise as a music journalist and her burgeoning relationship with Morpheme frontman Oliver.

Most importantly Sarus doesn’t overreach or try to drown her narrative in pop culture references. Her material is slight, but her writing and plotting have an unhurried quality that suggests she’s a natural when it comes to getting into a character’s head. Including a chilling look at the psychological effects of stalking, she does this without hauling in a lot of deep meanings whilst avoiding the romance genre’s many syrupy pitfalls to give us a story that quickly sneaks past our defences.

A fine release in the Psychological Romance Literary Fiction genre Ideality proves a notable debut for Sarus and is certainly recommended.